Friday, November 27, 2009

Blocked Site?

Myspace is blocked :( Anyways, I know how to get to the site but can anyone tell me why it was blocked? My dad probably saw me on it but... I don't think he would do that to me (oh how dramatic). We recently got a new router and something about a d-link (we might have gotten a new one... I'm not sure). So are there any technical things that blocked it?

When I got to Myspace it says "401 The web site is blocked by administrator"

Also, I'm the administrator. My dad is the first administrator (like the one who installed the internet and everything). Is there any way I can unblock the site?

Thanks for your help!

Blocked Site?

Use a proxy site.

you go onto the proxy site, and type in the site you want (myspace in your case)

here is a whole list of proxies!! =] hope i helped

Blocked Site?

Check the user manual with the router. If said nothing about it ask your dad.

Blocked Site?

You need to ask your dad how he blocked it and then unblock it.

I do not recommend this. Why not just behave?

Blocked Site?

You can access the restricted or banned websites with the help of this tip. You may have problems to accessing your favorites politics, news, and sexy websites in your office and other public places. Some time these websites banned by Government, ISP and may be by your office network administrator. This tip is very useful, if you are using internet particularly in school, college and office.

Follow the given points to access the banned website:

Technique 1: Search the banned website, for example in Google and yahoo search engine then open the cached copy of that page to access the website. You can get also cache link of that website, if you search in Google with keyword cache:URL name and get cache link to access the website.

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